Who We Are
DRS Nursery Sales is a full service representation company of premium plant material in a wide
range of sizes from 100 gallon trees to 4" tropical plants.
DRS services a large geographic area consisting of Texas,
Louisiana, Oklahoma and Arkansas.
DRS Nursery Sales provides experienced sales representation in a prompt and
courteous manner to the independent garden center, landscape contractor and
rewholesaler. We specialize in the procurement of specimen, rare, or otherwise
unusual cultivars.
Bountiful Farms, Woodburn, Oregon
Schiedel Nursery, Aurora, Oregon
Ceramo Pottery, Jackson, Missouri
Wolfe Nursery, Stephenville, Texas
Ceramo Pottery "Pottery for Every Lifestyle". Ceramo has created an exciting line of pottery that will provide you excellent margins, great sell through and satisfied customers that will return again and again to your store. Ceramo's goal is to offer you the best value on the highest quality, trendsetting products.
Bountiful Farms - Woodburn, Oregon
Specializing in: Pot-In-Pot as well as B&B Grafted Ornamentals Topiary Plant Materials Sculptured Art Forms A selected plant list grown with Texas in mind